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Friday, September 23, 2011

Review: Suck It Up by Brian Meehl

Author: Brian Meehl
Pages: 336
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Released: May 13th, 2008
Genre: YA Paranormal
Source: Purchased
Are you up to your neck in bloodsucking vampire stories?

Tired of those tales about dentally enhanced dark lords?

Before I wrote this book I thought all vampires were night-stalking, fangpopping, bloodsucking fiends. Then I met Morning McCobb. He’s a vegan vampire who drinks a soy-blood substitute called Blood Lite. He believes staking should be a hate crime. And someday he hopes to march in a Vampire Pride Parade. He was also the first vampire to out himself and try to show people of mortality, like you and me, that vampires are just another minority with special needs. Trust me—this is like no other vampire book you’ll ever feed on.

So, as my buddy Morning says, “Pop the lid, and suck it up.”
Suck It Up... wasn't the best. Certainly not what I expected. From the description, I was expecting something light-hearted and funny, a book that didn't take itself seriously. But, I felt like Suck It Up was just trying way too hard.

This is one of those "the premise sounds awesome!" but then you read it and you realize "Oh, I guess not...". The whole idea of the International Vampire League and the Blood-Lite, which is Morning's human friendly blood substitute, could've been really awesome. Unfortunately, I just wasn't digging the book.

And the names! I'm sorry, but the main character's name is Morning. He's a dude. And then his PR agent is Penny Dredful. What? There were a few really bad puns about Morning's vamp-yness that made me cringe when I read them.

Overall, I didn't like Suck It Up. I wanted to, but it fell flat for me. 1.5 out of 5 stars.
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