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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Mini Read-a-Thon Check In #1

Since it's technically Thursday (1 AM), I figured I'd do my wrap up post for yesterday which was the first day of my personal little read-a-thon. I wasn't as productive as I'd hoped, but I did manage to finish a book I was halfway through, as well as write and schedule the review for it. BOOYAH.

What I read:

  • Underworld's Daughter by Molly Ringle

This is the sequel to Persephone's Orchard, the review of which went up a few days ago. Needless to say, having read the books in the series back to back, I'm totally obsessed quite enamored with it. 

Like I said, the review for this is written and scheduled to go up next Monday, the 21st, so be on the lookout for that!

For the next book I hope to tackle today I'm torn between wanting to knock another "for review" book off my list of digging into my personal TBR pile and ploughing through one of those books. (More specifically, a physical book. My TBR pile (or rather piles) is stacked against my wall and taking up some serious space.

1 comment:

  1. The combination of fear and laughter is just too much. Great video! I was already following you on GFC so I followed you on Twitter.


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