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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Undone by Brooke Taylor

Author: Brooke Taylor
Pages: 320
Source: Purchased at Barnes and Noble
Series or Standalone?: Standalone

When Kori Kitlzer, the “dark angel” of the 8th grade, tells Serena Moore that they are more alike than she thinks, Serena is instantly intrigued.  As their friendship solidifies and their lives entwine, Serena tries to become more like the fearless, outspoken, and ambitious Kori. Soon Serena doesn’t know where she begins and Kori ends. But when a twist of fate yanks Kori away from Serena, she will need to find a way to complete her best friend’s life left undone. 

* * *

This book is one of those novels that really makes you think. It deals with so many important issues such as drugs, sex, teenage pregnancy, parenthood, growing up without a parent, and the true tests of friendship.

Kori was outrageous and a risk-taker. She did everything without fear, but that also included doing some unhealthy, illegal things. But she loved Serena, and deep down she only wanted the best for her. Of course, all the characters in the book do drugs and smoke and drink, and that was the only thing I didn’t like.

I guess I don’t like books like that, because, as a teenager myself attending high school, I think it’s pretty unrealistic. Honestly, I do know people who do drugs, but it’s a very severe minority, and they absolutely don’t do it as openly as the characters in this book. The drug use is so casual. It gives an image that high school kids are all like that.

But I did love the message the story gave. Serena had spent her whole life wishing she had a father, and that played a major role in shaping her personality. And then to lose her best friend, who seemed to be the only thing anchoring her down to earth, it really tore her apart. She then had to rebuild her own life, and find herself as opposed to what she was trying to make herself be.

The writing was fine. It was written more in the tone of a teenager, which was good because it helped get into Serena’s head. Also, the cover is alright.

Plot: 4/5
Cover: 4/5
Writing: 3/5/5
Uniqueness: 4/5
Characters: 2.5/5


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