Just now I logged on and saw that I have 100 followers. 100. I'm in shock right now, and I can barely process that.
I just wanted to that all of my followers for putting enough faith in me to follow and actually read my opinions. To everyone who has commented THANK YOU. To everyone that is a current follower THANK YOU. And to any future followers, THANK YOU. This actually means so much to me. It's a real milestone.
Okay, I'm going to finish writing the current review I'm working on, and then head to bed.
Oh, and while I'm here, I would like to mention, for those of you with Twitter and Facebook, that I now have both of those things. The links are in the right hand side bar, but I'll put them here anyway for easier access.
Oh, I have so much planned for all you lovely followers. SO MUCH! 2011 will bring much greatness...
Okay, off to write my reviews for you all.
Aw congrats! I only have... 7? Haha. I hope your next milestone comes quickly :D