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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wings by Aprilynne Pike

Author: Aprilynne Pike
Pages: 294
Publisher: Harper Teen
Series or Standalone: 1st in Trilogy
Genre: YA Paranormal/Fantasy
Reading Level: 13+
Significant Themes: Faeries

Laurel has never been the kind of girl who believes in fairytales and myths, fables and legends...until the day she learns the stunning truth about her own identity, forever changing her world.
She discovers she is a faerie, sent among humans to protect the gateway to Avalon. Thrust into the midst of a centuries-old battle between faeries and trolls, she's torn between a human and a faerie love, as well as her loyalties to each world. In this extraordinary tale of magic and intrigue, romance and danger, everything you thought you knew about faeries will be changed forever.

**Slight spoiler alert**
Wings started off slowly, with some awkwardly written narration and conversations, but pretty soon it started picking up once Laurel noticed the “thing” on her back. The plot never picked up too much, a lot of the real action happening mostly at the end, but it was fine.

I wasn’t so interested in the characters of this novel as I was in the world they lived in. Laurel to me was too perfect and flat, as was David. I honestly don’t care much for David, I didn’t find him believable. I mean, if a girl you’ve just met comes to you with a FLOWER GROWING OUT OF HER BACK, you don’t just take it in stride and try to figure out what it is. You freak the f*ck out and run screaming. At least, that’s what all the guys I know would do. The guys I know avoid girls for having a zit on her face, much less a FLOWER GROWING OUT OF HER BACK. Laurel and David’s ‘relationship’ was way too unbelievable for me to take seriously, which is why I didn’t.

I actually loved the idea of faeries being flowers. It was original and something I’ve never seen in all of the faerie books I’ve read. I definitely give Pike props for coming up with that. To me, I see faeries as part of nature anyway, so them being flowers wasn’t a stretch at all. And the whole “male faeries pollinate the girl faeries” actually made me laugh (in a good way) when Tamani explained it. (Which brings me too…)

Tamani. He was by far my favorite part of this novel. I would choose him over David any day, partly because I love mysterious, badass guys, and partly because I dislike David. Tamani is what added… spice, mystery, chemistry, sexiness, etc, to Wings. He was very well written, although I would have liked to see much more of him.

The writing was great, and the mythology behind the faeries was excellent. Those aspects, along with Tamani, were my favorite parts of the novel. The cover is also insanely gorgeous, and I really think it captures what the book is about. Flower petals being faerie wings.

I kinda liked this book, which is why I will pick up the sequel. Mostly to see what happens to Tamani.

Do I Recommend This Book: Maybe. It depends on if you’re a fan of faeries. If you are, there's a chance you might like this. If not, don’t bother.

Plot: 3/5
Characters: 2.5/5 
Uniqueness\Creativity: 4.5/5
Writing: 4/5
Cover: 5/5


  1. Good honest review :)

    I also just read it. You can read my review here:

    I liked it. But think its a bit for the younger teens like 11-15 years old maybe :)

  2. Yay, awesome review! I absolutely looooved Wings. It's what got me into book blogging, really! :) I didn't like David, either. He was too flat. Too... ugh. He felt tacked on for the love triangle aspect, but he sucks. Tamani, now THERE is an interesting character. (Can you tell I'm Team Tamani??) I adore him so much. Spells gets a lot better - Avalon was so fascinating to read about. Loved it. ♥ Can't wait for Illusions!

  3. Krisina- TEAM TAMANI FTW!!!! Thanks! Yeah, I actually still have to read Spells, but I'm definitely picking up Illusions. :D


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