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Monday, July 27, 2009


I have been tagged by Meggin of Serendipity Reviews.

Link to the person who tagged you

*post these rules on your blog*

Share your ABCs

Tag three people at the end by linking to their blogs

Let the three tagged people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website

Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag.

The ABC of me...

I am single and 100% available. In fact, I have my claws out and I'm on the HUNT.

Best Friend?
Yuppers. I'm a pretty social person who will start a conversation with just about anyone, so I have lots of best friends. Though there are two or three that are, like, supreme.

Cake or Pie?
None. Cupkins.

Drink of choice?
Organic Chocolate Milk.

Essential item for every day use?
Hehe... striped socks.

Favorite color?
Stripes. (That IS a color! >_<) Google?
Google, baby.

The deep recesses of my fucked up mind.

Bad boys.

January or February?
February because it's spelled funny.

Kids and their names?
Oh, for sure. Maybe two. Names: Jay and Sophie.

Life is incomplete without...?
Books, STRIPED SOCKS, eyeliner, and an iPod full of headbanging music. Ah, bliss.

Marriage date?
I need a boyfriend first, sweet cakes.

Number of siblings?
One beautiful little blond, curly-haired angel who is my heart and soul.

Oranges or apples?

Phobias and fears?
Uh..... the fear of never finding a boyfriend?

Quote for the day?
:Are you suffering?"-- Emilie Autumn

Reason to smile?
Because there is a little bottle of sunshine in my life the brightens all the blackness with his laugh.

Winter: it matches my heart. (Lol. Jk.)

Tag 3 people?
Erm.... I don't know anyone else that hasn't been tagged, so I have to tag only two people: JuJu and Jocie.

Unknown fact about me?
I love the Little Mermaid.

Vegatable you hate?

Worst habit?
I forget a lot. And I have violent anger flashes...

Xrays you've had?
None at all.

Your fave food?
Organic tofu. Yumness.

Zodiac sign?
Uh...... I'm not saying.....

That was sooo fun! Lol.



  1. :)
    Thanks for tagging me!

    The ABC of me...

    Happily married :)

    Best Friend?
    My little sister

    Cake or Pie?

    Drink of choice?

    Essential item for every day use?

    Favorite color?


    Chocolate and rum

    January or February?
    January 'cause I love the cold and getting to wear coats

    Kids and their names?
    Some day - maybe - who knows :)

    Life is incomplete without...?
    My husbandbear, dogs, books, traveling, and coffee

    Marriage date?
    We were married 7/7/7

    Number of siblings?

    Oranges or apples?
    Apples: red delicious to be exact

    Phobias and fears?
    Fear itself

    Quote for the day?
    "Life is tough. I recommend getting a manicure and a really cute helmet."

    Reason to smile?
    I got a free audio book in the mail yesterday :)


    Unknown fact about me?
    I'm obsessed with hands

    Vegatable you hate?
    Green beans

    Worst habit?
    Not tightening lids

    Xrays you've had?
    Teeth and back

    Your fave food?

    Zodiac sign?

  2. Love your answers :)

    Great new layout, by the way! The name is cool too... and I want to read those books in your stack SO bad :)

  3. Lol. Thanks so much! My best friend made the banner for me, althogh those are my feet in the picture.. And I only put my best books in teh stack!

  4. Sorry Lolita! :)
    Meggin's right your new header is way cute!


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